I received a Ph.D. from BU, working in MiDAS lab under supervision of George Kollios. Here is my dissertation abstract.
As organizations struggle with processing vast amounts of information, outsourcing sensitive data to third parties becomes a necessity. Various cryptographic techniques are used in outsourced database systems to ensure data privacy while allowing for efficient querying. This thesis proposes a definition and components of a new secure and efficient outsourced database system, which answers various types of queries, with different privacy guarantees in different security models.
This work starts with the survey of five order-preserving and order-revealing encryption schemes that can be used directly in many database indices, such as the B+ tree, and five range query protocols with various tradeoffs in terms of security and efficiency. The survey systematizes the state-of-the-art range query solutions in a snapshot adversary setting and offers some non-obvious observations regarding the efficiency of the constructions.
The thesis then proceeds with
The dissertation concludes with
Defended a Doctoral Dissertation: Secure and Efficient Query Processing in Outsourced Databases. See the thesis, slides and the presentation video.
Defended a Dissertation Prospectus: Secure and Efficient Query Processing in Outsourced Databases. See the presentation and the document.
Passed a BU CS Ph.D. Qualifying Oral Exam. The purpose of this requirement is to demonstrate ability to conduct research on a topic chosen by the student and approved by a research advisor. See my presentation.
Completed BU CS Ph.D. breadth requirements - 8 semester graduate classes (64 credits). See classes and grades.